Kamis, 18 November 2010

No. 31/MC.TDBM/11/2010


No. 31/MC.TDBM/11/2010

34 Times Volcanic Earthquake Occur In Merapi All Monday

Yogyakarta, 16/11 (08:36 GMT) Based on the observations made by BPPTK over Monday at 00:00 am until 24:00 pm, noted high intensity eruption at Mount Merapi still occured. Volcanic earthquake was recorded 34 times, one-time LF earthquake, 25 times avalanches and tremor in a row. Yesterday was not recorded any occurrence of hot clouds from the top trim. Due to that situation the status of Mount Merapi was still “AWAS” with the dangerous threat of hot clouds and lava.

Weather observations around Merapi during Monday noted that the foggy weather dominated the situation around Merapi from which the wind blows from the East to the West Sea. Greyish to brownish white smoke was observed with a height of 1300 meters observed in the South West, West to North West. Under the smoke as high as 900 meters of white brownish solid pressure is observed all over the place of observation at 6:58 am, the rain of ash also occurred in Ketep at 6:58 am and at Manisrenggo at 18:45 pm. Lava that leads to Gendol river with sliding distance of 600 meters was recorded at 6:29 pm. When the weather is sunny, still-fire was recorded on CCTV in Ketep Observation Post, Magelang at 03:19 to 4:28 am.

Sliding distance of hot clouds on Monday is still relatively the same as yesterday, where Kapubaten Sleman is the region affected by the hot clouds glide with the furthest distance reaches 14 km in the Kali Gendol. While the sliding distance of hot lava in Kali Boyong reaches 10 km and Kali Kuning reaches 7 km. In Magelang district hot clouds sliding distance in kali Bebeng is recorded 11.5 km, kali Bedog 8.5 km, Kali Sat 7 km, Kali Senowo 6 KM, Kali Lamat 5 km and Kali Trising 3 KM. While the hot clouds glide in kali Apu Boyolali is 4 km and kali Klaten Woro is 7 Km.

Safe distance regulation has already been reduced, but the people still asks to remain outside the safe zone radius of 20 km from the tip of Merapi related to the possibility of a lava flood that may hit in the entire river which tipped at the peak of Merapi. BPPTK also asks people to always follow the direction of the local government regarding escape activities from the threat of Mount Merapi eruption. Citizens are also requested not to easily believe on the irresponsible issues regarding the volcanic disaster that circulate through sms or other social networking.

Contact : Hartje Winerungan, Head of PR-BNPB

Phone : 0274 – 547 359 (Hotline Media Center)

Mobile : 0815 9926 781

Contact : Selamatta Sembiring, Public Information Agency-Kemenkominfo

Mobile : 08128334942

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