Selasa, 16 November 2010

No. 36/MC.TDBM/11/2010

No. 36/MC.TDBM/11/2010

Yogyakarta, 16/11/2010 (Media Center Kominfo, 19:00) - Wakil Walikota Yogyakarta, Haryadi Suyudi mengatakan, guna mengantisipasi ancaman lahar dingin akibat erupsi Gunung Merapi, pihaknya membangun titik pantau di sebelah utara kali Code yang berada di Kabupaten Sleman.
“Kita menggunakan titik pantau di sebelah utara tepatnya di jembatan merah di Sleman yang terhubung melalui komunikasi radio frekuensi,” katanya kepada wartawan di Media Center Tanggap Darurat Bencana Merapi Jalan Kenari No. 14a Yogyakarta, Selasa, (16/11).
Titik pantau tersebut nantinya menginformasikan situasi dan kondisi yang sedang terjadi di sekitar sungai Code bagian utara dari ancaman lahar dingin Gunung Merapi yang saat ini masih meningkat aktifitasnya. Titik diutara akan memberikan informasi kepada titik pantau yang berada di kota Yogyakarta.
Titik pantau diutara diberi nama pos kartika dan di kota Yogyakarta sendiri di beri nama pos induk. Keadaan di wilayah utara akan terpantau secara realtime oleh titik pantau yang berada di kota Yogyakarta dan juga tersambung langsung oleh 8 camat.
Sungai Code merupakan salah satu sungai yang melintas di kota Yogyakarta dan berhulu di Merapi sungai Boyong. Sungai Code melintasi 8 kecamatan, 14 kelurahan dan 66 RW. Jumlah penduduk yang berada dibantaran sungai sebanyak 13 ribu orang.
Apabila diwilayah hulu sungai Code terjadi hujan yang sangat tinggi intensitasnya, dikhawatirkan aliran ini akan mengalir tumpukan pasir, lumpur, batu dan kayu yang terseret air.
Untuk mengantisipasi hal itu, pihaknya bersama masyarakat akan menggunakan kearifan lokal menghadapi lahar dingin. Dimana masyarakat sudah siap untuk menunjukkan kepada warganya untuk berkumpul dititik-titik yang sudah ditentukan dalam jalur evakuasi.
Selain itu juga, akan disiagakan sejumlah aparat dan tenaga yang akan dioperasikan selama 24 jam penuh untuk membantu mengevakuasi para warga yang berada dibantaran sungai apabila hal tersebut terjadi.
Pihaknya juga sudah menyaipkan sitem peringatan dini dengan menggunakan alat tradisional berupa kentongan yang akan dipukul apabila ancaman terjadi dan secara estafet kentongan akan dibunyikan di 8 kecamatan.
Warga juga tengah bergotong royong mengeduk pasir yang saat ini sudah memenuhi sungai Code akibat banjir lahar dingin yang beberapa waktu lalu telah membuat sungai Code hampir rata dengan permukaan tanah.
Selain dampak lahar dingin, yang perlu diantisipasi adalah luapan pengungsi yang berasal dari luar kota Yogyakarta. Untuk hal itu, pihaknya juga telah menyiapkan zona untuk berkumpul para pengungsi.
Akibat erupsi Merapi, saat ini tercatat jumlah pengungsi di kota Yogyakarta mencapai 4.995 orang. dan Tersebar di 14 kecamatan yang ada dikota Yogyakarta.

Kontak         : Hartje Winerungan, Kabid Humas BNPB
Telepon       : 0274 – 547 359 (Hotline Media Center)
Hp               : 0815 9926 781

Kontak         : Selamatta Sembiring, Badan Informasi Publik Kementerian Kominfo
Hp               : 08128334942

Citra Satelit Geo Eye 1 Wilayah G.Api Merapi, Kec. Kemalang, Kab. Klaten

Citra Satelit Geo Eye 1 Wilayah G.Api Merapi, Kec. Pakem, Kab. Sleman

Citra Satelit Geo Eye 1 Wilayah G.Api Merapi, Kec. Dukun, Kab. Magelang

Citra Spot 5 Wilayah G.Api Merapi, 15 Nov 2010

No. 28/MC.TDBM/11/2010

No.   28/MC.TDBM/11/2010


Yogyakarta, 15/11 (11:17 GMT) Monday morning, it is reported that Merapi activity is still high. It is also recorded that up to 06:00 pm volcanic earthquakes occurred four times, avalanches 8 times with successive tremors.

Despite hot clouds were not seen from the summit of Merapi, but the status of Merapi is still in the status of Alert (level 4) with a direct threat in the form of hot clouds and secondary impact in the form of lava. BPPTK requested that population activity within 300 meters along the rivers that disgorge to the summit of Merapi must be eliminated, due to possible threat of cold lava floods caused by high rainfall lately.

Foggy weather dominated Merapi surrounding with the wind blowing from East to West. Grayish white smoke to brownish white smoke with a height of 800 meters was observed in the North West. Meanwhile the clamor has not been heard again from the mountain that has been spewing 140 million cubic meters of this material. Fire still recorded from CCTV at Ketep Observation Post, Magelang at 03:19 to 4:28 pm.

Sliding distance of hot clouds on Monday is still relatively the same as the day before, where Sleman Regency is the region affected by hot clouds and the furthest distance is 14 km in the Kali Gendol. While the sliding distance of hot lava in Kali Boyong reaches 10 km and Kali Kuning reaches 7 km. In Magelang Regency hot clouds sliding distance was 11.5 km in Bebeng, 8.5 km in Bedog Kali, 7 km in Kali Sat, 6 km in Kali Senowo, 5 km in Kali Lamat and 3 km in Trising. While the hot clouds in Kali Apu, Boyolali was 4 km distance and 7 km in Kali Woro, Klaten.

White to brownish white smoke with moderate to strong pressure as high as hundreds to a thousand meters was observed from the peak of Merapi when it was not covered by fog.

Although safe distance radius has begun to be reduced, but the BPPTK still requests the entire community to remain in the safe zone at the outer radius of 20 km from the Merapi peak and also ask people to always respect the direction of the local government in relations with the threat of Mount Merapi eruption. Citizens are also requested not to believe in uncertain information regarding the volcanic disaster circulated through sms or other social networking.


Contact        :    Hartje Winerungan, Head of Public Relations BNPB
Telephone    :    0274 – 547 359 (Hotline Media Center)
Cell              :    0815 9926 781

Contact        :    Sukosono, Public Information Agency of the Kemenkominfo
Cell              :    081218056690

No. 27/MC.TDBM/11/2010

No. 27/MC.TDBM/11/2010


Yogyakarta, 15/11 (07:10 AM) The observation and monitoring of BPPTK Sunday, November 14, 2010 until around 24:00 pm shows that the eruption still occurred at Merapi with high intensity with 31 times of volcanic earthquakes, avalanches 38 times, twice hot clouds that glide as far as 4 kms observed from the top of Merapi. So the status of Merapi is still in “Alert” with lava and hot clouds threats.

Weather at the top of Merapi last Sunday morning was bright with 1000 meters high low pressure brownish cloud. Observations from Ketep Post showed smoke was heading towards Southwest at 17:14 pm. Today there was not heard tremor of Merapi but the fires were still observed on early morning and between 11:41 am until 11:51 pm. While the black fog was observed from the north of Mount Merapi. Ash rain occurred in the Ketep Post at 11:19 am.

Yesterday foggy weather was observed at 08.55 am at the north of Mount Merapi, but sunny weather was dominant though there was still foggy mist. The condition of lahar deposits in all the rivers with upstream at Merapi volcano has been observed, and it has reached the Rejodani, Sleman in small fragmented rocky material.

Hot clouds sliding distance themselves vary in each region with Sleman Regency was the furthest with distance is 14 kms in the Kali Gendol. While in Kali Boyong hot lava reaches 10 kms and Kali Kuning reach 7 kms. In Magelang regency recorded hot clouds reached 11.5 km in Bebeng river, 8.5 kms in Bedog river, Sat river 7 kms, Senowo river 6 kms, Lamat river 5 kms and Trising river 3 kms. Hot clouds also reached Apu Boyolali 4 kms and Woro Klate river is 7 kms.


Contact         : Hartje Winerungan, Head of Public Relations BNPB
Telepon       : 0274 – 547 359 (Hotline Media Center)
Hp               : 0815 9926 781

Kontak         : Sukosono, Public Information Agency, Ministry of Communication and Information.
Hp               : 081218056690

No. 26/MC.TDBM/11/2010

No.   26/MC.TDBM/11/2010


Yogyakarta, 14/11/2010 (Media Center Kominfo, 19:28) - Head of National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Syamsul Maarif said that if the alert status of Merapi was lowered to “siaga” (standby) and the Emergency Response is changed to be Disaster Reconstruction and Rehabilitation, government will provide compensation to people whose homes were badly damaged, moderate and mild.

It was said at the Media Center for Merapi Disaster Emergency Response on Jalan Kenari No. 14a, Yogyakarta, Sunday (14/11). Residents who returned to their houses but found their homes damaged will be provided with 1-15 million dollars according to the level of damage of their homes.

"We provide Rp15 million for heavily damaged homes, Rp10 million for moderately damaged and Rp1 million for mildly damaged. The payment will be on the fiscal capacity of Local Government (Regencies), Provinces and BNPB, " he said.

For those whose homes very seriously damaged and can not be occupied any more, they will be housed in temporary locations for three months and their living expenses are borne by the government.
According to the coordination meetings with relevant stakeholders the governor's office decided, if the status of Merapi was decreased from Emergency Response into the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation, then the first thing to do is to provide temporary residents (shelter) particularly for those whose homes are uninhabitable.

They will be given a temporary place for 3 months and guaranteed a decent life, both to those whose homes were damaged or not damaged. This is considering their neighborhood was severely damaged both in terms of infrastructure and environment due to the Merapi eruption.

As for the damaged infrastructure such as roads and bridges, the government under coordination of the Ministry of Public Works will reconstruct the infrastructure. Schools will be repaired by the Ministry of National Education, places of worship by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and so on.

Afterwards, overall compilation of needs will be delivered procedurally with standard data for submission to the Minister of Finance.

Baca secara fonetik

Contact        :    Hartje Winerungan, Head of Public Relations BNPB
Telephone    :    0274 – 547 359 (Hotline Media Center)
Cell              :    0815 9926 781

Contact        :    Sukosono, Public Information Agency of the Ministry of Kemenkominfo
Cell              :    081218056690

No. 25/MC.TDBM/11/2010

No.   25/MC.TDBM/11/2010


Yogyakarta, 14/11/2010 (Media Center Kominfo, 19:28) - Although there are indications of Merapi safe zone shifts in a number of areas in regencies in Central Java from a radius of 20 km to 10-15 km due to activity decrease of Mount Merapi, but the population has not been allowed to return to their homes.

According to the Head of Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Syamsul Maarif, the Media Center Disaster Emergency Response Merapi in Yogyakarta, Sunday (14/11), communities are requested to be patient and not allowed return yet to their homes yet before any assessment results (location check) by military forces and police.

"I took the decision of the TNI and the police whose numbers 7,000 people to do the assessment to the indicated safe zone shift determined by the Head of Geological Agency, given that the condition of Merapi is still in Alert status," he said.

In addition, Syamsul Maarif said the activities of Merapi eruption not yet final and based on the observation, monitoring and experience of the behavior of Merapi, although its activity decreased but sometimes can unexpectedly be explosive.
Therefore, the decision to take action to secure the community is paramount. He ordered the people should be prevented from moving to new camps before any assessment of the military and police.

Military and police are now assessing whether the condition there (zone 10-15 km) has good water source and basic needs of displace people are available. Precautions are necessary due to the fact that volcanic ash contains a high level of danger, as well as possibility of wells are full of dust and logistics warehouses are unavailable yet.

Baca secara fonetik
"The needs of drinking water, sanitation and so on must be made available before being occupied by community. Therefore I ordered them to conduct searches to different areas within 24 hours,” he said. According to the plan, on Monday (15/11) youth will be involved together with TNI and the police to see the condition of people's houses located in the recommended zone, whether it can be occupied or not.

It should be noted that hundreds among displaced people are vulnerable groups, such as pregnant women, children and old people who have to be protected from the impact of the policy.Simak
Baca secara fonetik

Contact        :    Hartje Winerungan, Head of Public Relations BNPB
Telephone    :    0274 – 547 359 (Hotline Media Center)
Cell              :    0815 9926 781

Contact        :    Sukosono, Public Information Agency of the Ministry of Kemenkominfo
Cell              :    081218056690




Yogyakarta, 14/11/2010 (Media Center Kominfo, 18:40) - National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) and Public Broadcasting Agency of Radio Republik Indonesia (LPP RRI) with the support of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kemenkominfo) and a number of stakeholders inaugurated the Merapi emergency broadcasts. The Inauguration of Radiobroadcast on Merapi Emergency Response operating in the frequency of 100.2 MHz was signed by the Head of BNPB, Syamsul Maarif and Director of RRI, Niken Widiastuti at the Media Center of Merapi Disaster Emergency Response, Jalan Kenari No. 14a, Yogyakarta, Sunday (14/11 .)

In his speech, the Head of Public Information of Kemenkominfo represented by Ismail Cawidu expects that the broadcast managed by BNPB and RRI can provide complete, accurate and makes people feel protected and keeps optimistic about the natural disaster of Mount Merapi. "We expect that the joint broadcast will provide complete information, comforting the public and keep the optimism in facing the disaster".

Meanwhile, Head of BNPB, Syamsul Ma'arif said it does need the support of all parties in coordinating the emergency response on Merapi, therefore cooperation with RRI in radiobroadcast on Merapi will be very helpful, particularly for the disaster victims.
Head of BNPB expects RRI to provide correct information that is calming, encouraging, motivating and encouraging people have a toughness to face the disaster.

Meanwhile, Director of RRI Niken Widiastuti said the radiobroadcast aims to give understanding and to reduce uncertainty. "There are too much uncertain and misleading information that may cause people panic and disturbed," he said.

The main task of this special radiobroadcast would provide accurate information taken directly from primary sources managed by BNPB. In addition, the broadcast is also intended to provide trauma healing to the displaced people. "Providing information and trauma healing on how people cope with disasters," he said.

Communities who lost their homes, animals and their fields can not be planted need psychological healing provided by psychologists, academics and religious teachers, etc for encouragement. Regarding the trauma healing, RRI provided recreation broadcast to victims of disasters such as broadcasting “campur sari” (traditional music) directly from displaced people  camps, film screenings for children as well as magic performance.

Head of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission of DIY, Arifin Rahmat, said the disaster response radio is designed to provide quick and accurate information as required by the communities. "This radio broadcast may not be perfect yet, but we hope to be able to provide accurate information," he said. It is expected that the existence of emergency response radio does not just stop in Yogyakarta, but also can be established in other areas in case of disasters in the future.

Contact        :    Hartje Winerungan, Head of Public Relations BNPB
Telephone    :    0274 – 547 359 (Hotline Media Center)
Cell              :    0815 9926 781

Contact        :    Sukosono, Public Information Agency of the Ministry of Kemenkominfo
Cell    :        081218056690




Yogyakarta, 14/11/2010 (Media Center Kominfo) - Head of National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Syamsul Maarif confirmed until now the condition of Mount Merapi is still Alert (level IV). This means that the recommendation of the refugees still remains the same as previous days, with the radius of 20 km. Displaced people requested to remain in camps in safe areas.

He instructed the TNI and Police Task Force personnel which numbered 7000, comprising 5000 elements of the TNI and 2000 from the Police to conduct assessment on the places affected by the eruption of Mount Merapi. Based on the assessment it is expected that policies regarding further steps can be made in a short time.
Head of BNPB also invited young displaced people to actively assist military and police in this assessment activity because they better understand the situation of their homes.

Syamsul Maarif explained assessment is also intended to find the damaged infrastructure in residential communities affected by the eruption. In addition, it was stated that this activity would point the exact location to determine the logistics distribution. "Regarding this matter, the Government of Central Java is considering to prepare the mobile logistics warehouse, but it has to be practicable," he said.

For the success of this operation, the Head of BNPB instructed the military and police to provide vehicles to transport the volunteers. "I ask that within 24 hours TNI provides 102 vehicles and police 60 vehicles, but not at the same time altogether," he said.

Regarding the threat of cold lava flood, BNPB and the University of Gajah Mada is now conducting a study on the threat by implementing an early warning system.

Contact        : Sukosono, MC Kominfo-BNPB
Hp               : 081218056690

No. 21/MC.TDBM/11/2010

No. 21/MC.TDBM/11/2010


Yogyakarta, 14/11 (9:50 pm) Based on the observation and monitoring conducted by the BPPTK, Merapi is still on the move until the middle of night with a high intensity. It was noted that tectonic earthquake occurred three times throughout Saturday.

Compared to last Thursday where volcanic earthquake occurred only six times, volcanic earthquake occurred 26 times yesterday at Merapi. Earthquake tremors continued to occur in succession, the same as the previous two days, and the intensity of avalanches occurred 25 times. Hot clouds seen three times with a maximum height of 2000 m. The color was white, gray to brown with dark intensity leaning to the South to the Southwest.

The weather was sunny, but clouds had covered the sky of Merapi at about 07:40 am until 13:20 pm. Rain recorded with intensity of 28.5 mm / hour in the afternoon, and a light ash rains also occurred in the village Manisrenggo on at 15.30 pm. 88-seconds-lasted tectonic quake occurred at 14:52 pm. Fire was seen at 1:16 and 19:45 pm. Smoke was observed at 21:50 am - 24:00 pm.

Until now, the status of Mount Merapi was still alert, but at a news conference this morning, Head of Geology, Sukhayar, stated that there are zone changes at KRB Merapi, Southward (Sleman) safety zone still remains 20 km, West Direction (Magelang) safety zone 15 km, North and East Directions (Boyolali and Klaten) safe zone 10 km. Decision to reduce safety zone in some areas has been through the approval of various parties and also based on research and monitoring at all time.


Contact        :    Hartje Winerungan, Head of Public Relations BNPB
Telephone    :    0274 – 547 359 (Hotline Media Center)
Cell              :    0815 9926 781

Contact        :    Sukosono, Public Information Agency of the Ministry of Communications and Information
Cell              :    081218056690


No. 35/MC.TDBM/11/2010

No. 35/MC.TDBM/11/2010

Yogyakarta, 16/11/2010 (Media Center Kominfo, 18:00) - Kepala Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG), Doktor Surono mengatakan, menghadapi bencana letusan Gunung Merapi perlu dengan strategi, guna mencegah jatuhnya korban yang lebih banyak.
“Menghadapi ini, kita marathon bukan sprint. Kita harus mengatur strategi dan energi. Saya inginkan nanti agar terjdi happy ending dari kegiatan aktifnya Merapi,” ujarnya kepada wartawan di Media Center Tanggap Darurat Bencana Merapi di Jalan Kenari 14a di Yogyakarta, Selasa (16/11).
Menurut Surono, yang dijuluki sebagai Dokter Gunung ini, aktifitas Gunung Merapi masih sangat perlu untuk diwaspadai meskipun zona aman radius 20 Km dari puncak Merapi telah bergeser menjadi 10-15 Km diberbagai daerah kabupaten di lereng Merapi.
Di jelaskan, saat ini kegiatan Merapi jika dilihat secara grafik bukan menurun. Meskipun terlihat seperti diam namun secara aktifitas justru meningkat.
Sejak 11 November tercatat aktifitasnya yang hanya satu kali, meningkat secara berturut-turut sebanyak 6 kali di 12 November, 26 kali di 13 November, 31 kali di 14 November dan 34 kali di 15 November.
“Merapi itu diam-diam menghanyutkan. Sewaktu-waktu bisa tak terduga aktifitasnya,” katanya.
Menurutnya, Merapi hingga saat ini terus meletus hanya saja dari arah Selatan, sehingga dari Yogyakarta tidak dapat diamati secara visual. Namun aktifitas Merapi dapat diamati dan dirasakan dari wilayah sekitar barat atau timur khusunya di Kabupaten Muntilan dan Magelang.
Kondisi Merapi sampai saat ini masih dalam status Awas. Tremor atau getaran dari aktifitas Gunung Merapi masih meningkat. Menurunkan status Awas menjadi waspada tidak mudah karena perlu ketajaman analisa, keyakinan dan perhitungan berdasarkan data yang diamati.
“Penentuan status Merapi hampir sama seperti dokter. Diperiksa denyut jantungnya, tekanan darahnya, mulut, mata dan lainnya. Semua parameter itu ada”.
Diperlukan penilaian yang tepat bagaimana mencermati aktifitas Merapi seperti melembungnya, cepat lambat mengeluarkan letusannya, berapa tekanan gasnya, dan lain-lain.
Karena itu, Surono mengaku, lebih baik menentukan status Awas meskipun tidak meletus atau sama sekali tidak meletus daripada menentukan status waspada namun tanpa diduga Merapi justru meletus setelah melihat aktifitas Merapi seperti tenang padahal belum.
 Hal ini akan mengakibatkan jatuhnya korban yang lebih banyak karena disaat itu masyarakat yang mengira sudah tenang akan mengalami kepanikan yang tinggi dan proses evakuasinya pun tidak siap.
“Oleh karena itu pantauan visual itu bukan jaminan bahwa aktiftas menurun. Jadi masyarakat bersabarlah. Karena itu maunya Merapi jadi harus dituruti”.

Kontak          : Hartje Winerungan, Kabid Humas BNPB
Telepon        : 0274 – 547 359 (Hotline Media Center)
Hp               : 0815 9926 781

Kontak          : Selamatta Sembiring, Badan Informasi Publik Kementerian Kominfo
Hp               : 08128334942