Sabtu, 13 November 2010

No. 19/MC.TDBM/11/2010

No. 19/MC.TDBM/11/2010


Yogyakarta (11/13/2010, 10:01 AM) Based on the observation of BPPTK today, Saturday, November 13, 2010 until 07:00 am the activities of Mount Merapi stretched back this morning. High-intensity eruption continues this morning.

Volcanic earthquake was recorded seven times, avalanches 11 times, once tectonic earthquake and tremors still continue to streak. Weather around Mount Merapi this morning is bright and smoke was observed at all times with a maximum height of 1,200 meters with a brownish-white color leaning towards the South to the Southwest. It appears the fire pure-bred silence as seen from CCTV at 01:16 pm.

Cold lava depositing is generally observed in all the rivers that disgorge at Merapi. At the Pugonglor bridge the stream was observed as high as two meters with brown lava flows that carry sediment material without carrying a heavy material in the form of wood or rocks. While the lava flow in Sayidan River was recorded as high as 0.5 meter.
Until now BPPTK still determines the Alert status of Merapi due to the threat of hot clouds and lava. In connection with the possibility of cold lava disaster, BPPTK also requested that all activities in the surrounding flood plains at rivers that tipped to Merapi should be eliminated.
Contact        :    Hartje Winerungan, Head of Public Relations BNPB
Telephone    :    0274 – 547 359 (Hotline Media Center)
Cell              :    0815 9926 781

Contact        :    Sukosono, Public Information Agency of the Ministry of Communications and Information
Cell              :    081218056690

No. 18/MC.TDBM/11/2010

No. 18/MC.TDBM/11/2010

                                        HERU LELONO:                  

Yogyakarta (13/11/2010, 20:00 PM) Special Staff to the President of the Republic of Indonesia for Information and Communications, Heru Lelono, stated that the current focus of National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) is on the emergency response phase, that is, trying to save the lives of as many as possible from the threats of Mount Merapi eruption.

"Today is the emergency response phase, while the reconstruction and rehabilitation phase will be implemented after the emergency phase is completed and the Alert status of Mount Merapi is lowered, as well as the threat of the eruption of Mount Merapi is not there anymore," he said in a dialogue on the Media Center Merapi Disaster Emergency Response in Yogyakarta, Friday (12/11), which was broadcasted live on 100.2 FM RRI.
According to him, threats from Merapi eruption this time is not just stones incandescent, hot sand, hot clouds and volcanic ash, but also a wave of cold lava flowing through some streams on the slopes of Merapi.

Therefore, he said, population who is currently still in the radius of 20 km from the summit of Merapi shall go out and shall be the recommended safe area according to the Head of the Volcanology and Geology, Dr. Surono, which states that the safe radius is currently outside radius of 20 km from the peak of Merapi.

He confirmed the statement of Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, which states that people on the slopes of Merapi must be outside a radius of 20 km from the summit of Merapi which is considered a safe area. "It's true that the city of Yogyakarta is very safe, except the area within a radius of 20 km from the summit of Merapi," he said.
He assured that the government has prepared itself to implement the reconstruction and rehabilitation process post-eruption of Merapi after obtaining complete data on the area affected.

Disaster Area
On that occasion Heru Lelono also stated that Indonesia is now proven to the disaster area, because some areas in turn affected by disasters, from earthquakes, floods, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. "At least now there are 19 volcanoes in Indonesia are very active and requires high vigilance," he said.

In addition, it is evident also that at this time there has been an extreme climate in the world, including the ones hit Indonesia, the indicator is the occurrence of continuous rainfall since January 2010. It is very likely to occur because the heat of the earth caused the melting of icebergs in the polar region and sea level rise.

Thus, he said, there is no other option for the government and people of Indonesia but preparing themselves to face any threat of disaster, including the purchase of equipment early warning system and enhancing community disaster preparedness.
Police Must Investigate Disturbing SMS
Heru Lelono also asked the Police Chief and staff to investigate irresponsible people for spreading false information through SMS which caused public unrest and refugees. "It needs assertiveness of the police to take action and to investigate legally," he said.

He fully supports the steps of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics of the Republic of Indonesia that build SMS Broadcast service and provide information and communication equipment in several refugee posts, both in Yogyakarta and Central Java, so that the population and displaced people can obtain information more easily.

"It is very strategic for the Ministry of Communications and Informatics and BNPB to build Media Center of Merapi Disaster Emergency Response in Yogyakarta, so that people can get the right information, accurate and reliable," he said.

According to him, BNPB has worked hard to make Merapi disaster emergency response phase, including developing an early warning system equipment in several rivers on the slopes of Merapi, because there are still threats of secondary cold wave through a river of lava on the slopes of Merapi.

"It's a big job of BNPB backed by local government in Yogyakarta and Central Java, the TNI and the Police and the volunteers, because President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is expecting the support and cooperation throughout the community in tackling the Merapi disaster," said Heru Lelono

Contact        :    Hartje Winerungan, Head of Public Relations Division, BNPB
Cell              :    0815 9926 781

Contact        :    Sukosono, Public Information Agency of the Ministry of Communications and Information
Cell              :    081218056690

No. 20/MC.TDBM/11/2010

No. 20/MC.TDBM/11/2010


Yogyakarta (13/11/2010, 03:04 PM) Erupsi yang berlangsung dengan intensitas yang tinggi terus terpantau sepanjang hari ini hingga pukul 12:00 WIB di Merapi. Berdasarkan hasil pantauan dari BPPTK hari ini Sabtu, 13 November 2010 hingga pukul 12.00 WIB aktivitas gunung Merapi terus meningkat, tercatat  dua gempa tekntonik terjadi, 17 guguran dan juga 11 gempa vulkanik.

Seperti dilaporkan sebelumnya bahwa cuaca merapi pagi ini terpantau cerah dan teramati asap sepanjang waktu dengan tinggi maksimal 1200 meter dengan warna putih kecoklatan yang condong kearah Selatan hingga Barat Daya. Tampak api diam dari CCTV Deles pukul 01:16 WIB. Cuaca kabut tebal mulai terjadi pukul 07:40 – 12:00 WIB.

Status Merapi sampai sore ini masih tetap awas dengan ancaman berupa awan panas dan lahar. BPPTK juga meminta sehubungan dengan kemungkinan bencana lahar dingin agar seluruh kegiatan di sekitar bantaran sungai yang berhulu di Merapi agar ditiadakan. Dan masyarakat dihimbau agar tetap tenang dan tidak panik menghadapi isu-isu yang tidak bertanggung jawab yang beredar luas.

Kontak         : Hartje Winerungan, Kabid Humas BNPB
Hp               : 0815 9926 781

Kontak         : Sukosono, Badan Informasi Publik Kementerian Kominfo
Hp               : 081218056690

No. 19/MC.TDBM/11/2010

No. 19/MC.TDBM/11/2010

Yogyakarta (13/11/2010, 10:01 AM) Berdasarkan hasil pantauan dari BPPTK hari ini Sabtu, 13 November 2010 hingga pukul 07.00 WIB aktivitas gunung Merapi kembali menggeliat pagi hari ini. Erupsi dengan intensitas tinggi terus terjadi pagi ini.

Tercatat gempa vulkanik sebanyak tujuh kali, guguran 11 kali, gempa tektonik satu kali dan tremor masih terus beruntun. Cuaca sekitar merapi pagi ini terpantau cerah dan teramati asap sepanjang waktu dengan tinggi maksimal 1200 meter dengan warna putih kecoklatan yang condong kearah Selatan hingga Barat Daya. Tampak api diam dari CCTV Deles pukul 01:16 WIB.

Endapan lahar dingin secara umum teramati di semua sungai yang berhulu di Merapi. Dijembatan Pugonglor terpantau alairan sungai setinggi dua meter dengan aliran lahar berwarna coklat yang membawa material sedimen tanpa membawa material berat berupa kayu ataupun batu-batuan. Sedangkan aliran di sungai Sayidan tercatat aliran sungai setinggi 0.5 meter.

Hingga saat ini BPPTK tetap menetapkan status Merapi adalah awas dengan ancaman berupa awan panas dan lahar. BPPTK juga meminta sehubungan dengan kemungkinan bencana lahar dingin agar seluruh kegiatan di sekitar bantaran sungai yang berhulu di Merapi agar ditiadakan.

Kontak         : Hartje Winerungan, Kabid Humas BNPB
Telepon       : 0274 – 547 359 (Hotline Media Center)
Hp               : 0815 9926 781

Kontak         : Sukosono, Badan Informasi Publik Kementerian Kominfo
Hp               : 081218056690