Rabu, 17 November 2010

No. 40/MC.TDBM/11/2010

No.   40/MC.TDBM/11/2010

Yogyakarta, 17/11/2010 (Media Center Kominfo, 17:00) – Pemerintah saat ini sedang memasang Early warning system (EWS) lahar dingin merapi di semua sungai besar di sekitar Gunung Merapi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY).
Pasca erupsi gunung Merapi, sedikitnya telah terpasang enam EWS di tiga sungai satu diantaranya  dipasang di hulu sungai Boyong desa Benteng kecamatan Pakem, Sleman 6 KM dari puncak Merapi. Sementara dua lainnya dipasang disungai Kuning dan Gendol yang berada di desa Umbulharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman. Hal tersebut dikemukakan oleh kepala BPPTK Subandrio yang ditemui di tempat pemasangan EWS tersebut, Rabu (17/11)
Kecepatan alat deteksi tersebut adalah 10 detik, sedangkan kecepatan lahar untuk sampai ke daerah pemukiman warga sedikitnya 30-60 menit. Sehingga masih ada jeda waktu bagi warga untuk berevakuasi ke daerah yang lebih aman. Saat ini alat tersebut sudah dipasang di 15 sungai utama oleh Kementerian PU.
Selain pemasangan alat pendeteksi datangnya lahar dingin, dipasang pula alat  pengukuran permukaan lahar dingin yang mengalir di sungai-sungai tersebut. Alat pantau kondisi lahar tersebut dipasang oleh Kementerian ESDM.
Pemerintah juga berencana membangun sejumlah sensor curah hujan. Alat tersebut berfungsi untuk mendeteksi kemungkinan terjadinya banjir lahar dingin.

Kontak         : Selamatta Sembiring, Kementerian Kominfo
Hp               : 0812 8334 942

Kontak         : Hartje Winerungan, Kabid Humas BNPB
Hp               : 0815 9926 781

Laporan Aktivitas G. Merapi 17 November 2010 pukul 00:00-18:00 WIB





No. 39/MC.TDBM/11/2010

No. 39/MC.TDBM/11/2010


Yogyakarta, 17/11 (15:11 WIB) Siang ini Rabu 17/11 2010 enam gempa vulkanik dengan satu kali guguran dan dua gempa tektonik dengan tremor beruntun terjadi di Gunung Merapi. Status gunung Merapi pun hingga saat ini masih berada dalam level Awas disertai kemungkinan ancaman bencana lainnya berupa lahar dan awan panas.

Cuaca cerah teramati di Selo, Boyolali  pada pukul 11:11 WIB hingga 11:42 WIB dan terlihat asap putih tebal setinggi 400 meter condong ke Barat. Api diam juga teramati dari CCTV Deles, Klaten pada pukul 00:05 WIB – 00:25 WIB.

Rekomendasi dari BPPTK hingga saat ini masih belum berubah, masyarakat diminta untuk menghindari melakukan kegiatan di seluruh bantaran sungai yang berhulu di puncak merapi, mengingat akan adanya ancaman banjir lahar dingin yang mungkin terjadi di sungai-sungai tersebut.

Kontak         : HartjeWinerungan, KabidHumas BNPB
Telepon       : 0274 – 547 359 (Hotline Media Center)
Hp               : 0815 9926 781

Kontak         : Selamatta Sembiring, Badan Informasi Publik Kementerian Kominfo
Hp               : 08128334942

Laporan Aktivitas G. Merapi 17 November 2010 pukul 00:00-12:00 WIB

No. 38/MC.TDBM/11/2010

No. 38/MC.TDBM/11/2010


Yogyakarta, 17/11 (10:28 WIB) Hasil pengamatan yang dilakukan oleh BPPTK pada hari Rabu, 17 November 2010 sejak pukul 00:00 – 06:00 WIB menunjukkan bahwa hingga saat ini erupsi masih terus berlangsung di Merapi dengan intensitas yang tinggi. Tercatat gempa vulkanik telah terjadi sebanyak empat kali, dua kali gempa tektonik dan juga tremor beruntun. Belum terlihat kemunculan awan panas hingga pukul 06:00 WIB pagi ini, namun BPPTK tetap menyatakan bahwa hingga saait ini status Merapi masih tetap awas dengan siaga ancaman bahaya berupa awan panas dan lahar.

Cuaca berkabut terus menggantung di langit sejak dini hari, dihiasi asap berwarna kecoklatan setinggi 1 Km yang condong ke Barat hingga Barat Laut. BPPTK meminta agar aktivitas di sekitar alur sungai yang  berhulu Merapi di hentikan mengingat kemungkinan banjir lahar yang terjadi akibat curah hujan yang tinggi belakangan ini.

Ancaman bahaya erupsi gunung Merapi untuk masing-masing wilayah Kabupaten memang telah dikurangi jaraknya, namun BNPB dan BPPTK tetap meminta agar masyarakat bisa tetap berada dipengungsian yang ada.

Masyarakat juga dihimbau agar selalu mengikuti petunjuk yang diberikan oleh pemerintah setempat terkait masalah penyelamatan diri dari ancaman bahaya gunung Merapi. Hingga saat ini juga dilaporkan bahwa penerbangan komersil di Bandara Adi Sucipto masih belum bisa dilakukan.


Kontak         : HartjeWinerungan, KabidHumas BNPB
Telepon       : 0274 – 547 359 (Hotline Media Center)
Hp               : 0815 9926 781

Kontak         : Selamatta Sembiring, Badan Informasi Publik Kementerian Kominfo
Hp               : 08128334942

No. 37/MC.TDBM/11/2010

No.   37/MC.TDBM/11/2010


Yogyakarta, 16/11/2010 (Media Center Kominfo, 24:00) Pemerintah melalui Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) akan membentuk tim khusus guna menyusun program untuk menangani masyarakat yang terkena dampak letusan gunung Merapi.
Langkahnya membentuk Tim yang terdiri dari unsur Kementerian atau Lembaga terkait seperti Kementerian Keuangan, Kementerian UKM, Kementerian BUMN, Kantor Meskokesra, BI, serta unsur Pemerintah Daerah,” kata Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kesejahteraan Rakyat, Agung Laksono usai melakukan rapat dengan Kepala BNPB, Menteri Perumahan Rakyat, Gubernur DIY, dan Gubernur Jawa Tengah di Media Center Tanggap Darurat Bencana Merapi di Jalan Kenari No 14a, Yogyakarta Selasa (16/11) malam.
Menurutnya, tim ini akan mengambil langkah cepat untuk menyiapkan program-program yang bisa mengantisipasi sehingga kehidupan perekonomian di daerah yang terkena bencana atau di luar kawasan bencana  tidak terganggu.
“Untuk mengatasi masalah ini perlu di kembangkan program-program pemberdayaan masyarakat seperti PNPM Mandiri, Pemberian KUR, Gabungan Kelompok Tani, Kredit Bergulir yang dananya bersumber dari APBN atau pun CSR BUMN,” ujarnya.
Ia menjelaskan, tim yang berada di bawah koordinasi Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana ini akan segera menyusun formula yang cepat dan tepat dalam mengatasi masalah kehidupan perekonomian masyarakat yang terkena dampak letusan Gunung Merapi.
“Program ini akan diluncurkan setelah tim tersebut segera mengambil langkah, dan akan diumumkan agar segera di laksanakan terhadap daerah-daerah bencana,” ujarnya.

Kontak         : Selamatta Sembiring, Kementerian Kominfo
Hp               : 0812 8334 942

Kontak         : Hartje Winerungan, Kabid Humas BNPB
Hp               : 0815 9926 781

No. 36/MC.TDBM/11/2010

No. 36/MC.TDBM/11/2010
Yogyakarta City Government forms point monitor to anticipate cold lava
Yogyakarta, 16/11/2010 (Media Center Kominfo, 19:00) - Deputy Mayor of Yogyakarta, Haryadi Suyudi said, to anticipate the threat of cold lava eruption from Mount Merapi, they build monitoring point at the north side of Code River which located in Sleman Regency.
"We use the monitoring point in the north side, precisely at the Red Bridge in Sleman which connected via radio frequency communications," he told reporters at the Media Center Disaster Emergency Response Merapi Jalan Kenari No. 14a Yogyakarta, Tuesday, (16/11).
The monitoring point will inform the situation and the current conditions around the north side of Code River from cold lava threat of Mount Merapi which is still increasing its activities. The north point will provide information to the monitoring point which located in the city of Yogyakarta.
The north monitoring point was given the name Kartika post while in the city of Yogyakarta itself, the monitoring point was given the name parent post. The situation in the northern region will be monitored in real time by monitoring point located in the city of Yogyakarta and also connected directly by 8 district leaders.
Code River is one of the rivers that pass in the city of Yogyakarta and tipped at Merapi Boyong river. Code River pass across 8 districts, 14 villages and 66 RWs. The number of people who are located along the river as much as 13 thousand people.
If the tip of the Code River raining in a very high intensity, it is feared this flow will flow pile of sand, mud, stone and wood that dragged by the water.
To anticipate this, the institute together with the community will use local wisdom to face the cold lava. Where people are ready to demonstrate to its citizens to gathered at the predetermined in the evacuation route.
Also, will be alerted a number of officers and personnel who will operate 24 hours a day to help evacuate the residents who are located along the river if it happens.
It also has set up an early warning system using traditional tools in the form of Gong to be beaten if the threat occurs and the relay gong will be played in 8 districts.
Residents are also being worked together to rake the sand which is currently already meet Code river because of cold lava floods some time ago which have made the Code river almost flat to the ground surface.
In addition to the impact of cold lava, which have to be anticipated is the overflow of refugees from outside the city of Yogyakarta. For that matter, it also has set up the zone to gather the refugees.
As a result of eruption of Merapi, currently registered number of refugees in the city of Yogyakarta has reached 4995 people and spread over 14 districts in city of Yogyakarta.

Contact          : Hartje Winerungan, Head of PR-BNPB
Phone                        : 0274 – 547 359 (Hotline Media Center)
Mobile                        : 0815 9926 781

Contact          : Selamatta Sembiring, Kemenkominfo
Hp                   : 08128334942

No. 34/MC.TDBM/11/2010

No.   34/MC.TDBM/11/2010

Yogyakarta, 16/11/2010 (Media Center Kominfo, 24:00) – The government through the National Disaster Management Agency will establish a special team to develop programs to deal with people outside kawaswan Mount Merapi volcano but affected its eruption.
"The steps are to form a team consisting of representatives from relevant agencies such as the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of SMEs, the State Ministry for State Owned Enterprises, The Office of the Coordinating Minister for People’s Welfare, BI, and local government," said Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare, Agung Laksono after having a meeting with BNPB Head, Ministry of Housing, the Governor of DIY and Central Java Governor on Media Center Disaster Emergency Response Merapi in Jalan Kenari No. 14A, Yogyakarta on Tuesday (16/11) night.
According to him, this team will take quick steps to set up programs that can anticipate that economic life in the affected areas or outside the disaster area is not disturbed.
"To overcome this problem needs to develop community empowerment programs such as PNPM Mandiri , Giving KUR, Combined Farmers Group, the Revolving Credit funded from the state budget or state CSR, "he said.
He explained that the team under the coordination of National Disaster Management Agency will soon develop a rapid and precise formula to tackle the economic life of communities affected by the eruption of Mount Merapi.
"This program will be launched after the team immediately took steps, and will be announced to immediately carried to the areas that are prone to disaster, "he said.
Contact          : Selamatta Sembiring, Kemenkominfo
Mobile            : 0812 8334 942
Contact          : Hartje Winerungan, Head of PR-BNPB
Mobile                        : 0815 9926 781

No. 30/MC.TDBM/11/2010

No.   30/MC.TDBM/11/2010
Eruption Sand Become Blessing and Protector

Yogyakarta, 15/11/2010 (Media Center Kominfo, 14:00) - People around the slopes of Mount Merapi should be thankful with the arrival of the Merapi eruption materials flowing into the downstream rivers.
This because, the price of such sand is expensive The price can also be a bumper (protector) to the large rocks that fall down or downstream of the river due to eruption of Merapi.
"Actually, It was a blessing. If there were no sand, large rocks could have been damage slopes even worse, " said Head of Central Region-Opak Serayu River, the Directorate General of Water Resources Ministry of Public Works (PU), Bambang Hargono, at the Media Center Disaster Emergency Response Merapi in Jalan Kenari No. 14A Yogyakarta, Monday (15/11).
However, Bambang still urged people around the slopes of Merapi to stay alert and be careful because the advent of natural disasters can not be expected. Especially when it was raining heavily.
Further Bambang described, Ministry of Public Works has been very familiar with the behavior of Merapi. Since 1970 they have learned to cope with Merapi’s lava so as not to be a disaster for the surrounding community.
Since 1970 the Ministry of Public Works in cooperation with the Japanese government has built a lava control system called sabo dams or sediment control structures (BPS).
Given the Mount Merapi volcano is a very active mountain, so around the slopes of Merapi then created a masterplan to control the lava in the form of sabo made of concrete that lay across the river around Merapi.
The 2001 Masterplan was planned to built 279 sabo. But until now only 244 units successfully constructed. The construction is now being halted due to the eruption of Merapi.
According to Bambang, the 2001 Master plan was designed to withstand lava volume of 8 million cubic meters. But unexpectedly, the amount of volcanic material which currently came out from the mouth of Merapi is very huge. It reached 140 million cubic meters.
For that,  it would reevaluate the 2001 Masterplan which is designed only to withstand 8 million cubic meters of volcanic material.
Since 1980s, the 244 constructions have been able to avoid the cities/districts which located around the slopes from the lava tantrums.
So far, Sabo is still functioning properly. Sabo around Merapi cliffs has been fulfilled with volcano material which contains water mixed with mud sand, tree debris and rocks.
Although sabo has been fulfilled with volcano material but such occasion has formed flat ramp so lava sediments also formed a flat slope.
With 140 million cubic material which spewed by Merapi is likely to form a new topography, where the river flows changes and form a new river. Changes in the flow of the river is something that not to worry about because even though the flow is new, but it will return into the main river.

Contact          : Sukosono, MC Kominfo-BNPB
Mobile                        : 081218056690

Contact          : Hartje Winerungan, Kabid Humas BNPB
Mobile                        : 0815 9926 781