No. 40/MC.TDBM/11/2010
Government Posts Cold Lava Monitor Devices In Some River In Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta, 17/11/2010 (Media Center Kominfo, 17:00) - The government is currently installing a cold lava Early Warning System (EWS) trim in all the major rivers around Mount Merapi Yogyakarta (DIY).
After the eruption of Mount Merapi, at least six EWS has been installed in three rivers one of which is installed in the Boyong river upstream, Benteng Village, Pakem district, Sleman 6 KM from the peak of Merapi. While the other two installed in Kuning and Gendol river in Umbulharjo village, Cangkringan, Sleman. This was stated by head BPPTK Subandrio at the EWS location, on Wednesday (17/11).
The devices’ detection speed is 10 seconds, while the speed of lava to reach to the residential area at least 30-60 minutes. So there is some time for citizens to evacuate to a safer area. Currently, the devices has been installed in 15 major rivers by the Ministry of Public Works.
In addition to installation of the cold lava detectors, also installed surface gauge to monitor cold lava flow in these rivers. These devices are installed by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
The government also planned to build a rain sensor. The tool is used to detect the possibility of cold lava flood.
Contact : Hartje Winerungan, Head of PR-BNPB
Phone : 0274 – 547 359 (Hotline Media Center)
Mobile : 0815 9926 781
Contact : Sembiring, Public Information Agency-Kemenkominfo
Mobile : 08128334942
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