No. 26/MC.TDBM/11/2010
Yogyakarta, 14/11/2010 (Media Center Kominfo, 19:28) - Head of National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Syamsul Maarif said that if the alert status of Merapi was lowered to “siaga” (standby) and the Emergency Response is changed to be Disaster Reconstruction and Rehabilitation, government will provide compensation to people whose homes were badly damaged, moderate and mild.
It was said at the Media Center for Merapi Disaster Emergency Response on Jalan Kenari No. 14a, Yogyakarta, Sunday (14/11). Residents who returned to their houses but found their homes damaged will be provided with 1-15 million dollars according to the level of damage of their homes.
"We provide Rp15 million for heavily damaged homes, Rp10 million for moderately damaged and Rp1 million for mildly damaged. The payment will be on the fiscal capacity of Local Government (Regencies), Provinces and BNPB, " he said.
For those whose homes very seriously damaged and can not be occupied any more, they will be housed in temporary locations for three months and their living expenses are borne by the government.
According to the coordination meetings with relevant stakeholders the governor's office decided, if the status of Merapi was decreased from Emergency Response into the Reconstruction and Rehabilitation, then the first thing to do is to provide temporary residents (shelter) particularly for those whose homes are uninhabitable.
They will be given a temporary place for 3 months and guaranteed a decent life, both to those whose homes were damaged or not damaged. This is considering their neighborhood was severely damaged both in terms of infrastructure and environment due to the Merapi eruption.
As for the damaged infrastructure such as roads and bridges, the government under coordination of the Ministry of Public Works will reconstruct the infrastructure. Schools will be repaired by the Ministry of National Education, places of worship by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and so on.
Afterwards, overall compilation of needs will be delivered procedurally with standard data for submission to the Minister of Finance.
Contact : Hartje Winerungan, Head of Public Relations BNPB
Telephone : 0274 – 547 359 (Hotline Media Center)
Cell : 0815 9926 781
Contact : Sukosono, Public Information Agency of the Ministry of Kemenkominfo
Cell : 081218056690
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