Selasa, 16 November 2010

No. 28/MC.TDBM/11/2010

No.   28/MC.TDBM/11/2010


Yogyakarta, 15/11 (11:17 GMT) Monday morning, it is reported that Merapi activity is still high. It is also recorded that up to 06:00 pm volcanic earthquakes occurred four times, avalanches 8 times with successive tremors.

Despite hot clouds were not seen from the summit of Merapi, but the status of Merapi is still in the status of Alert (level 4) with a direct threat in the form of hot clouds and secondary impact in the form of lava. BPPTK requested that population activity within 300 meters along the rivers that disgorge to the summit of Merapi must be eliminated, due to possible threat of cold lava floods caused by high rainfall lately.

Foggy weather dominated Merapi surrounding with the wind blowing from East to West. Grayish white smoke to brownish white smoke with a height of 800 meters was observed in the North West. Meanwhile the clamor has not been heard again from the mountain that has been spewing 140 million cubic meters of this material. Fire still recorded from CCTV at Ketep Observation Post, Magelang at 03:19 to 4:28 pm.

Sliding distance of hot clouds on Monday is still relatively the same as the day before, where Sleman Regency is the region affected by hot clouds and the furthest distance is 14 km in the Kali Gendol. While the sliding distance of hot lava in Kali Boyong reaches 10 km and Kali Kuning reaches 7 km. In Magelang Regency hot clouds sliding distance was 11.5 km in Bebeng, 8.5 km in Bedog Kali, 7 km in Kali Sat, 6 km in Kali Senowo, 5 km in Kali Lamat and 3 km in Trising. While the hot clouds in Kali Apu, Boyolali was 4 km distance and 7 km in Kali Woro, Klaten.

White to brownish white smoke with moderate to strong pressure as high as hundreds to a thousand meters was observed from the peak of Merapi when it was not covered by fog.

Although safe distance radius has begun to be reduced, but the BPPTK still requests the entire community to remain in the safe zone at the outer radius of 20 km from the Merapi peak and also ask people to always respect the direction of the local government in relations with the threat of Mount Merapi eruption. Citizens are also requested not to believe in uncertain information regarding the volcanic disaster circulated through sms or other social networking.


Contact        :    Hartje Winerungan, Head of Public Relations BNPB
Telephone    :    0274 – 547 359 (Hotline Media Center)
Cell              :    0815 9926 781

Contact        :    Sukosono, Public Information Agency of the Kemenkominfo
Cell              :    081218056690

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