No. 48/MC.TDBM/11/2010
Yogyakarta, 20/11/2010 (Media Center Kominfo, 10:00) – Special Staff in Institution capacity Development and Decentralization, Ministry Health, Krisnajaya said the ministry has deployed 200 health practitioners to help and support the Merapi disaster casualties with mental hindrance ranging. He stated this in front of reporters and journalists in Media Center of Merapi Disaster Emergency Relief on Jalan Kenari No 14a Yogyakarta, Saturday (20/11)
Further Krisnajaya said from the total of displaced persons who are found and recorded in the area of Yogyakarta and Central Java, 5.26% or more than 15.000 Merapi casualties suffer mental hindrance from difficulty to sleep (insomnia) to severe stress. “This is a significant number”, he exclaimed.
Meanwhile, the Director of Mental Health Service Development, Ministry of Health, Irmansyah, explained that from 200 health workers from Health Office of Yogyakarta, Magelang, Klaten, and Solo, they continuously visit shelters of displaced persons to give support and help the ones who suffer mental hindrance. They will be among the casualties minimum of one month. They will also give training of support technic in community health centers in Merapi affected area to maintain sustainability.
Krisnajaya who is also the head of team of health coordinator for Merapi casualties explained that the health logistics such as medicines and equipment are sufficient to meet the needs. The donation from the society and private sector are still enough. All treatment cost for the Merapi victim will be paid by the government. He exclaimed that victims needing health treatment, including burn injury that needs surgery will not be charged of any cost.
In regards to the burn injury patients caused by the Merapi, based on Sardjito Hospital data, two patient are currently treated by surgery specialist from Makassar Hospital.
Coordination is also conducted to check the environment condition such as the water and air quality surrounding the affected area of Merapi eruption.
At the moment the environment condition is still within the limit of standard quality. The well water quality is still consumable but the water from the river is not suggested to be consumed due to the ashes is still pouring on it.
While for the air quality, even though the small particles due to the smoke emerging from Merapi eruption is not so disturbing, but may cause bigger effect in the long term.
About the Upper Respiration System Infection that is found in the displaced persons shelters, Krisnajaya said that it is common to be found regarding many direct contacts with the community. Krisnajaya added that no need to worry because we will be in the shelters 24 hours.
Contact : Hartje Winerungan, Head of PR-BNPB
Phone : 0274 – 547 359 (Hotline Media Center)
Mobile : 0815 9926 781
Contact : Selamatta Sembiring, Public Information Agency-Kemenkominfo
Mobile : 08128334942
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