No. 49/MC.TDBM/11/2010
Yogyakarta, 18/11/ (14:10 WIB). Based on BPPTK report as per Friday afternoon, the Merapi status is still in AWAS status (the highest level) with danger threat in the form or heat cloud and lava. Until 12 o’clock in the afternoon, 7 volcanic quakes occurred and BPPTK still gave Merapi an AWAS status with declining intensity of activity. Eruption is still taking place, but up to 6 AM only one volcanic quake happened, four times of lava flow, and one time tectonic quake with consecutive tremor. Nevertheless, the possibility of threat of heat cloud and lava still linger around Merapi.
Since morning the tip of Merapi is still clouded by thin to thick fog. Rain is also pouring with low to middle intensity. A thick white solfatara smoke in the height of 600 meter to the west was observed from Tempel and Ketep Post when a thin fog emerged. Thin ash train was also pouring on 1.28 AM in Ketep.
The sediment of cold lava was continuously observed around the rivers originating from the peak of Merapi. Therefore, BPPTK advised people to not do any activity on any river banks originating from Merapi considering the threat of cold lava mudflow.
Contact : Hartje Winerungan, Head of PR-BNPB
Phone : 0274 – 547 359 (Hotline Media Center)
Mobile : 0815 9926 781
Contact : Selamatta Sembiring, Public Information Agency-Kemenkominfo
Mobile : 08128334942
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